Friday, October 30, 2009
Pantene - Thai Commercial
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Beretta Heating Systems
Is your heating system winter ready? With simple, colorful images, Beretta is easily able to get their message across with this series of print advertisements.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Creative Posters
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Numa Numa Guy & The Gecko
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mr. Clean - Habitat Centric
Because they have such a strong brand and Mr. Clean has become an icon, their advertisements can be simple and still be effective. It truly shows the strength of a brand when all you need is a white stripe and a small drawing of a man.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Pepsi Jackie Chan Stunt Double
The Death of Online Advertising?
Scott Brinker over at Chief Marketing Technologist, posted a great article on Wednesday about the Death of Online Advertising, or maybe, the death of the internet itself. He makes three points:
1. Most people claim to dislike advertising on the web...
2. Some gurus claim that social media marketing will supersede
3. Almost all of the social media platforms are advertising
Read all of Scott's article here. There is a big push towards social media platforms and building a relationship with your customer. Relationships are very important and social media platforms are another tool in the marketers arsenal. But they are only one tool of many in the toolbox. I'm a big supporter of using your advertisements to help build your brand. TARGET your online advertisements to specific websites where they will be relevant. DESIGN them with the customer in mind. ADD VALUE to the site and your relationship with the customer. If your online ads aren't doing this, your company is better off skipping the online ads.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Blumarea Dive School
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Post It - Draw It
If you like pictionary, you'll like this advergame from 3M post it notes. It is aimed for the UK, but open to anyone. Play it here:
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Commonwealth Bank
Monday, October 19, 2009
3M Security Glass
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pepsi Godfather Ad
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Nikon - Habitat Centric
At a busy Seoul subway station, Nikon mounted a huge interactive, light-box billboard displaying life-like images of paparazzi. Huddled together as if at a premiere, the "paps" appear to be jostling and competing for the best celebrity snap. The celebrities in this case were the passersby, who automatically triggered a deluge of flashing camera lights as they walked past the billboard. The accidental superstars then followed the red carpet all the way out of the station and into a mall - directly into the store where they could purchase the new D700. Mission accomplished. - Lisa Evans
My concern with this advertisment would be the distance that the red carpet would have to run to the store. To me, it seems like this type of advertisement would work best within close proximity to the store. Without that, there seems to be little relation from the advertisement to what the product actually is. Thanks to The Cool Hunter for the heads up on this advertisement!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
To Edit or Not to Edit: Ralph Lauren
HP Print Ads
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Subway - Eat Fresh
Monday, October 12, 2009
This advertisement was featured in Stockholm, Sweden! And yes, those giant napkins are made of the same material as your everyday mcdonald napkins.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Dove - Pro-Age
I've included the following video because it helps shine some light on how the campaign is being perceived and the beauty of advertising that connects with its audience.
MacBook Pro - Ultra Thin
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Zoo Advertisement - Habitat Centric
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Sopranos - Taxi Habitat Centric
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Dove - Campaign for Real Beauty
This original Evolution ad was a big hit because it strikes at a truth we all know. Unless you have been far removed from technology, most people know that models in advertisements have been photoshopped. But this ad showcases the extent that it is being taken to. Dove has capitalized on this great advertisement and has expanded the campaign.
I find this campaign very refreshing and it really sets Dove apart from the rest of the "beauty brands." Instead of trying to convince us that if we use their product we're instantly going to become as beautiful as the model, Dove is more saying, "If you use our products, we'll help you look the best that you can." Might have seemed like a risky strategy, but I feel that it pays off with big returns.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Yay or Nay? Peephole Covers
Steamiest Commercials
When using sex to promote a product, does it pay to leave a little intrigue in it? Or, is "the racier the better" the way to go?
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Eyebrow Dance
So.. Eating a Cadbury's bar will make your eyebrows suddenly able to dance? What does this have to do with the brand at all? To me, it seems like a very poor marketing job. Seems like they've tried to make a viral video and then tacked on a brand endorsement on the end. Effective? Probably not. But hey, we are talking about it, aren't we?