Monday, June 30, 2008
Oreo Moments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Habitat-Centric Advertising Pt. 1
Have you ever paid attention to not just how an ad looks, but the environment in which it is viewed? Our lives are packed full of advertising CLUTTER. The more advertisements we see every day, the harder advertisers have to work to make their ad stand out from the rest. This has led to a new breed of ads I've called Habitat-Centric. These ads work WITH their environment for the maximum effect.
It's really a fun type of advertising. It's creative, it's eyecatching, and best of all it's effective. The best examples of Habitat-centric Advertising have the added bonus of becoming viral on the internet. This is due to consumers appreciating the creativity that has gone into the advertisement. The McDonalds Sundial is one example, the Bic ad above is another. Here are a few more of my favorites:
Habitat-Centric advertising can be done on any budget with nearly any medium, and that is what makes it so great. It's all about creativity. I would love the opportunity to work with agencies devoted to habitat-centric advertising. Even if I was simply the go-fer who fetched the coffee for the truly creative gurus ;)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Pos or Not
This site really encourages you to show the site to your friends. It does well with its call to action and does its best to shed light on a terrible disease.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Edible Ads
Monday, June 23, 2008
This video is an example of commercials designed by CommonCraft in a style called paperworks. This style of advertisements uses a whiteboard and hand drawings combined with a lightweight fishing line and HEAPS of creativity. CommonCraft is on the forefront of this style and has been commisioned to do commercials for Google Mobile Maps, HR Block, March of Dimes, Boeing and many more.
Visit the CommonCraft store for a look at some of their newest work. Instead of commercials they are now designing educational products for classroom use.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Jeep Liberty Advergame
In this game you play a robber-like squirrel who bounces from acorn to acorn. Avoid the toxic ones,which resemble poison bottles and will take away points from your score. Aim for the gold and silver acorns for a special bonus. There happens to be a jeep liberty parked under your tree that will break your fall if you should miss the acorns. It is the only tie in for the game to the car: "If you fall, have no fear — the Jeep® Liberty’s massive Sky Slider™ Roof is wide open." Though I would think all of those acorns would be a bit prickly to land on. Thanks to Water Cooler Games for the heads up.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Where will Tarzan live?
I really like this ad (hence why I'm posting it here). In a way it makes the concept of rainforest destruction more real by using a pop culture icon. The high color advertisement is eyecatching and the copy is simple and direct, "15 square kilometers of rainforest disappears every minute".
It's a fact. The rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate, leaving all sorts of wildlife homeless. Apparently that includes Tarzan as well. Save the rainforests! Save Tarzan!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Twix For Bloggers
Thank you Brandopia, for bringing this one to my attention!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Green McD's Billboard
Thursday, June 5, 2008
What would you do?
I found this clip over at NewTeeVee where it was posted as an example of viral marketing. Viral Marketing has been one of the major "buzz words" in the past year, the basic definition of it being a campaign that utilizes existing social networks to spread word of mouth about a product or service. The great thing about viral marketing is it is a move away from the large billboards, glossy magazine ads and television clips that dominated the last era of advertising. Viral Marketing can be low budget and more efficient. It just has to get people talking (in a good way).